籠-生存遊戲 Cage-Survival Game
只有完成特定任務者 可以逃離輪迴
百般嚐試 卻
1. 殺的不夠
2. 此怪獸非彼怪獸
3. 傳說不正確
4. 以上皆非
自由擊2014年首部音樂劇場《在地底》講述「夢想的追尋」,2015年以《甜蜜三零》訪古,提倡「女性自我價值」;2018年,我們想用音樂劇場探討「理解 / 不理解 / 拒絕理解」,講述略微沉重的生命議題。
音樂上,與電音DJ Cheer在2011《對撞》後再次合作,以現場樂器收音變形、變化;故事上首次與編劇魏于嘉和導演林孟寰(大資)合作,以偶劇和現場即時影像投影降低語言使用率。
兩個世界 海洋與陸地
與鯨豚共游 或 圍獵
物理上的 心理上的
只有不斷嚐試 接觸
才能逐漸了解 脫離輪迴的方式

音樂演出:自由擊 朱純瑩、葉柏岑、劉冠萍、謝青翰 (DJ Cheer)
音樂設計:劉冠萍、謝青翰 (DJ Cheer)
導 演:林孟寰
編 劇:魏于嘉
舞 臺:范振罡
燈 光:周佳儀
服 裝:楊妤德
舞 監:陳正華
平 面:鄞志哲
製 作:林靜蓉
We all live in cages
Psychological or Physical ones
Only through numerous attempts
To learn, to understand
That we can find the way
Out of cages
Brief Introduction
"CAGE-Survival Game" is inspired by the 2009 documentary, The Cove, by Louie Psihoyos. Three percussionists of the Freedom Beat, together with DJ cheer, and a puppeteer, told the story of a boy befriended with whales, but lately found out that his friends were the "monsters" which his fellow villagers were eager to kill. "CAGE" is a non-verbal percussion music theater production, as the Freedom Beat believes "Through Freedom Beat, you’ll see the sound that can be seen."
The Instruments
Building its own instruments is one of the main features of the Freedom Beat. For "CAGE," we built three large pieces and several smaller ones. Deriving from how the fishermen hunt dolphins, we cut pipes and built a set of huge chimes. Also, we made cajon drums and stacked them into a light house. And, a space cello for the atmosphere of floating in the water.
The Music
All music used in the production were originally composed by the Freedom Beat artistic director, Kuan-Ping (Gray) Liu, and DJ Cheer. They have worked together since the Freedom Beat first live percussion + electronics production 7 years ago, and have grown deep understanding in what the other part wants in the music.
Since the members need to play and perform at the same time, all music were design carefully, so that players won’t bump into each other while playing.