演奏家 Percussionists
CHU Chun-Ying (Clara)

於1996年至2012年為1002打擊樂團創團團員。協助主辦A. Ivanov、N. J. Zivkovic、J. Geoffroy、J. Giroudon、B. Cambreling等擊樂大師班研習,並積極參與各項演出活動,包括國家音樂廳交響樂團、台北人室內樂團所舉辦之作品發表會及音樂節。演出作品有:「四處打聽」打擊四重奏之夜、「K Cage」、「打造柴可夫斯基」、「擊簡」史提夫‧萊克之夜、「自由擊與名古屋」、「百人擊樂馬拉松」、「對撞─再現交換與和諧」、匯川藝術節「浮‧華」。
Chu Chun-Ying was born in 1978, and has been studied music since six. When in the second year of Kuang-Jen Catholic High School, she met percussion and was enchanted by its variety and charm.
She holds a Master of Music from the Department of Music, Taipei National University of the Arts (2007) and a Bachelor of Education degree from the Department of Music Education, National Taipei Teachers College (2000). When in school, Chu actively participated in different groups and performances, such as Cai Xing-guo Opera troupe, Yu-zhi symphony Orchestra, National Symphony Orchestra and so on. From 1996 to 2012, she was a member of 1002 Percussion Ensemble and was part of many concerts, including “E1002 K Cage” (2007), “Night of George Crumb”, “E1002 play Steve Reich ” (2009), and “Carl Orff: Carmina Burana” with National Experimental Choirs led by Agnes Grossman.
Chu now teaches Performing Arts in Chong-Yang Elementary School, and is a member of Freedom Beat and Taiwan Wind Ensemble.

YEH Po-Tsen (Xero)
畢業於德國德特摩高等音樂院、中國文化大學西樂組,曾師事林炳興、鍾耀光、陳哲輝、Jan Winssink、Peter Prommel等教授。為自由擊主要創團團員。1993至 1999 年參與多次管絃樂、管樂、現代音樂及兒童劇現場音樂的演出。1999 至 2005 年於德國期間致力於打擊樂、現代音樂及戲劇音樂的表演。於1996年至2012年為1002打擊樂團創團團員,回國後參與多項管弦樂、室內樂,及跨界樂團的演出。
YEH Po-Tsen (Xero)
Yeh po-tsen was born in 1973 in HsinChu,Taiwan. He holds the Diploma in Percussion from Hochschule für Musik Detmold (2003) under the guidance of Prof. Peter Prommel, Jan Winssink, and a master degree from Chinese Culture University (1997).
Yeh was a member of 1002 Percussion Ensemble (1996-2012), and now joins various ensembles, including the Freedom Beat, Moving Sound, Taoyuan Symphonic Band, etc.

LIU Kuan-Ping (Gray)
2006~ 2011參與製作1002打擊樂團定期系列公演; 2008與國立實驗合唱團合作,以<卡爾.奧福:布蘭詩歌>室內樂版至義大利巡演;2011參與第七屆台灣國際打擊樂節(2011 Taiwan International Percussion Convention),與保加利亞獨奏家斯維特‧斯托亞諾夫 (Svet Stoyanov)合作,同年與法國導演及演奏家共同舉辦<擊樂劇場停看聽>戲劇音樂形式演出、與日本名古屋打擊樂團合作舉辦音樂會、獲文建會主辦<ishow我 行我秀 2011全台青年大匯演>最優金賞、12月與電子團體凱比鳥(KbN)及影像團體似不像(Chimerik)合作< 對撞Kollide>加入現場電子音樂創作及數位互動新媒體視覺。2012製作<浮.華>劇目參與匯川藝術節及法國亞維農外圍藝術節(2012 Avignon OFF Festival);2013擔任<在地底>劇目音樂設計參與法國亞維農外圍藝術節,於2014改版台灣首演;參與公視<歌謠風華-初聲>,大愛電視<愛在陽光下>、<美好歲月>電視配樂,動畫<超限獵兵 凱能>、<小龍甜品屋>配樂。
現為 Freedom Beat 自由擊團員暨音樂製作。
LIU Kuan-Ping (Gray)
Born in 1983, Liu Kuan-Ping started to play the percussion at twelve. Later, Liu entered the Taipei Municipal University of Education, Taiwan, and studied percussion with Prof. CHEN Jer-Huei. She graduated in 2006, and soon devoted herself into various activities and productions, including performing in 2011 Taiwan International Percussion Convention as a member of the percussion ensemble 1002, "Kollide" with electronic music group KbN and visual creative collective Chimerik.
In 2012-2013, as a member of Freedom Beat, Liu produced the program "FU-HUA" and "Underground." The two shows won high acclaim at the Avignon OFF Festival. Other than performing and teaching percussion, she also composes incidental music for TV series and animation movie.
Liu is currently the composer and performer of Freedom Beat.