甜蜜三零 Sweet Revenge
1930年代,電影還是無聲的默片,自由劇場上映《姊妹復仇記》,藉由口條清晰風趣的辯士(劇情解說、配音員)及現場樂隊(自由擊全體),告訴觀眾這對才女姊妹花甜甜(自由擊 劉冠萍飾)、蜜蜜(自由擊 朱純瑩飾),怎樣對付花心學長(自由擊 葉柏岑飾)。
時間快轉到現代。辯士未曾見過面的孫女(自由擊 朱純瑩飾)在理想與家庭的衝突中一再退讓,懷疑自我的存在價值。藉著一段相似的旋律,孫女莫名穿越,與辯士爺爺意外在三零年代相逢。究竟,未曾謀面的辯士爺爺,能否為孫女指點迷津呢?
擅長改造、自製樂器的自由擊,在「甜蜜三零」中有相當多的新穎設計與嘗試。將木琴翻轉九十度,改為直立演出;將直立鋼琴橫躺、拆解;西洋的大鼓、中國傳統鼓、玩具鋼琴、口風琴、直笛… 甚至將腦筋動到觀眾頭上,架設如大蜘蛛般的管道(視實際劇場狀況及架設時間取捨),營造特殊的雨滴聲,雖坐於劇院中,卻仿如身處迷霧街頭。

After the huge success of “Underground” (2014), Freedom Beat took a step further with “Sweet Revenge” in 2015, a percussion theatre production about a love story in 1930s Taiwan. Taiwan in 30’s attracts much recollection and nostalgia, with many music pieces unique both in sound and tone. Unfortunately, many of them have been gradually disappearing with time. Can music bring us back to the golden time? Freedom Beat tries a give an answer with this hilarious show.
“Sweet Revenge” is a romantic comedy about two smart, beautiful sisters taking “revenge” on a playboy who flirted with both girls. Playful and humorous, the show definitely gives the audience a good time seeing the lovers fight and quarrel with each other.
“Sweet Revenge” also features innovative sound treatment through instruments self-made by the troupe. The felicitous employment of instruments includes a tilted upright piano on the stage as well as the combination of Chinese bass drum, toy piano, harmonica and recorder, etc. They even set up some water hoses (arranged like the legs of a spider) above the audience to imitate the sound of rain. For the audience in the theatre, it feels like being in the misty streets under the “rain.”
The big screen at the upper back of the stage is an invisible character which draws much attention from the audience. It looks like a giant “flashcard” displaying exaggerated graphics to interact with the music and story. The unique sound experience, the interesting and expressive narration of the benshi (narrator in Taiwanese silent film), all of these bring the audience back to the golden age of silent film in Taiwan.